Devils Postpile

October 2, 2013

Dä Monet händ mir vil unternah (das isch nötig will dä Schnee gli chunnt) und gliichziitig na vil fürd Schuel müese mache, drum Entschuldigung das dä letsti Blog iitrag scho äs Ziitli her isch.


D'Devils Postpile sind sechs-eggigi Basaltsüüle und sind sehr beeidruckend. Mir sind zudä Ziit deht gsi wo d'US-Behörde ihren Chindergarte betribä hät und sämtlichi National Pärk gschlossä händ. Eusi Abentüürluscht hät eus aber dur än Hinderiigang glich zudän 20m höche Süülene gfüehrt. Usserdäm sind mir na d'Rainbow Falls go aluegä. Föteli findet ihr unter Gallery -> Mammoth Lakes (October 2, 2013 - Devils Postpile).


This month we visited a lot of places (necessary because the snow is coming soon) and as well we had plenty to do for our school, so we're sorry for not updating for quite a while.


The Devils Postpile are hexagonal basalt column and very impressing. We went there at the time when the US government having their kindergarden-party and all the National Parks where closed. But our adventurous spirit brought us to a back entrance where we still found our way to the 20m high columns. Furthermore we caught a glimpse of the Rainbow Falls. For pictures please go to Gallery -> Mammoth Lakes (October 2, 2013 - Devils Postpile).

Meh Föteli unter Gallery -> Mammoth Lakes (October 2, 2013 - Devils Postpile)

More pictures in Gallery -> Mammoth Lakes (October 2, 2013 - Devils Postpile)