Rock Creek

October 12, 2013

Mit eusem Bsuech - Alexandra & Christian - sind mir zu Rock Creek chli go laufe und nacher go käfele im "Pie in the Sky" (leider sind alli Pies usverchauft gsi - sehr berüehmts Kafi bi eus idä Gegend). Spöter sind mir alli zäme zudä Hot Springs gfahre go bädele. Kuul gsi mit eu, danke Alexandra & Christian!

Meh Föteli unter Gallery -> Mammoth Lakes (October 12, 2013 - Rock Creek)


With our visitor Alexandra & Christian we went for a walk to Rock Creek and afterwards for coffee to "Pie in the Sky" (unfortunately all pies were sold out - it's a really famous coffee shop up here). Later that day we went to the Hot Springs for a nice bath. Thanks to Alexandra & Christian - it was lots of fun!

More pictures in Gallery -> Mammoth Lakes (October 12,2013 - Rock Creek)

Meh Föteli unter Gallery -> Mammoth Lakes (October 12, 2013 - Rock Creek)

More pictures in Gallery -> Mammoth Lakes (October 12, 2013 - Rock Creek)