Surfing Spillwave

December 25+26+30, 2013

Dä Winter isch viiil zwarm. Normalerwiis häts zu däm Ziitpunkt mehreri Zentimeter Schnee, wo s'Dorf und dä Schnee bedecket. Aber irgendswiä sind mir immerna uf dä grossi Schneefall am warte. Also was macht mä mit dä Fründe wo uf Bsuech sind? Surfe! :D Idä nöchi händ mir ä heissäs Flüssli miterä chliinä Wälle wo mä mit Hilf vomene Seil chan surfe. Mittlerwiile isch äs au bekannt für am Maett sis "Ehering-Wunder" (frög eus doch wänd d'Gschicht nanig ghört häsch).


This winter is way too warm. Normally at this point of year several inches of snow cover the town and mountain. But somehow we're still waiting for the big snowfall. So what do you do with your friends who are visiting? Surfing! :D Close by there is a hot creek with a little wave which you can surf with the help of a rope. It's also famous now for Maett's "wedding ring wonder" (ask us if you didn't hear the story yet).

Meh Föteli unter Gallery -> Mammoth Lakes (December 25+26+30, 2013 - Surfing Spillwave)

More pictures in Gallery -> Mammoth Lakes (December 25+26+30, 2013 - Surfing Spillwave)

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