February 11 - 13, 2014
48 Stundä reisä isch lang. Äs isch aber au nid so kuul wänd nid ein einzigä Film chasch luegä während äm Flug - das isch di negativi Siitä wän mä ä günstigi Fluggsellschaft nimmt. Aber usserd däm händ mir ä mega gueti Reis gha, vil lustigs, gspröchigs Personal bidä USA Gränze und genau s'Gegäteil bidä Russischä Gränze. Oh und will d'Olympiade isch nähmets eim so richtig usenand und luegät dis Handgepäck ganz genau aah (KEI Flüssigkeite erlaubt) ;P Was für ä Reis und sie gaht grad wiiter - nöchste Halt isch Trabzon, Istanbul und dän Libanon.
48 hours of traveling is a lot. Also it's not as much fun if you can never watch one single movie in the aircraft - that's the negativ site of choosing cheap airlines. But other than that we had an amazing travel, lots of funny chatting staff members at the US border and right the opposite at the Russian border. Oh and because it's the Olympics they check you and your handluggage really close (NO liquids allowed) ;P What a travel and it actually goes on - next stop is Trabzon, Istanbul and then Lebanon.
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