Yosemite National Park, CA

May 6-8, 2014

Äs isch super gsi chli Familiä um eus zha (Maett's ältist Brüeder+Frau und Zwillingsbrüetsch+Fründin sind cho). Mir händs gliäbt ihne einä vo eusnä liäblings Nationalpärk s'zeige und eifach namal diä Schönheit z'bestuune.


We loved having some family around (Maett's oldest brother+wife and twin brother+girlfriend came to visit us). And also we loved showing them one of our favorite national parks and just enjoying the beauty once again.

Meh Föteli unter Gallery -> 2014 Roadtrip USA -> Yosemite NP

More pictures in Gallery -> 2014 Roadtrip USA -> Yosemite NP

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