Horseshoe Bend, Lake Powell & Upper Antelope Canyon NP, AZ

May 23-24, 2014

You have to sit or lie down on the edge in order to have the full Horseshoe Bend in your camera and you will need a wide-angle objective as well. Sometimes you see some crazy dudes who climb down. It's amazing and for as long as you are close to the edge you feel a little tingling. We had our campsite next to the Lake Powell. Glen Canyon Dam is the name of the next dam. Also a must-see is the Upper Antelope Canyon National Park. But the prices in the peak season are questionable - especially for the time with the best light (midday). Nevertheless it was an amazing experience and even if we were to late for the perfect light beams we still had a couple.

Zum dä ganzi Horseshoe Bend vor de Linse zhaa mues mä entweder ade Kante aneligge oder sitze und mä bruucht äs Wiitwinkel Objektiv. Mängisch gseht mä au äs paar waghalsigi Touriste wo abechlätteret. Äs isch unglaublich und solang mä ade Kante sitzt gspüürt mä so äs chlises Chribbelä. Mir händ eusen Camping Platz grad bim Lake Powell gha. Dä Name vom nöchste Damm heisst Glen Canyon Dam. Öpis anders wo mä mues gseh haa isch dä Upper Antelope Canyon Nationalpark. D'Priise sind aber ide Hochsaison chli fraglich höch - vorallem wän mä um d'Zyt will gah mitem bestä Liecht (am Mittag). Nichtsdestotrotz isch äs mega schöns Erläbnis und au wän mir scho chli z'spaat gsi sind für die perfektä Liechtstrahle händ mir glich äs paar na gha.

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