June 7-9, 2014
We were in Salt Lake City on a Sunday when all the shops are closed (probably one of the only cities in the States that this still exists) because it's the capital of the Mormon Church. Really interesting was that they had the Utah Pride Parade going on which was actually a gay parade. We were walking around in the headquarters of the Mormon Church and visiting some buildings and museums. In the afternoon we went to Antelope Island where it was quit smelly because of the Salt Lake. We saw some antelopes and buffalos and then drove to Park City where we stayed a night. In Park City we really liked the training center where the kids trained new tricks. And after we drove along Bear Lake on our way to Jackson, WY.
More pictures you gonna find here.
Mir sind z'Salt Lake City ame Sunntig gsi, wo alli Läde zue gsi sind (das isch wahrschindli na eini vodä einzigä Städt ide USA wo das immerna existiert), will Salt Lake City d'Hauptstadt vode Mormone Chile isch. Sehr interessant isch allerdings gsi, das grad d'Utah Pride Parade im gange gsi isch, was eigentlich ä Homosexuelli Parade isch. Mir sind im Hauptquartier vodä Mormone Chile umegloffä und händ äs paar Gebäude und Museum. Am Namittag sind mir ufd Antelope Insle wo zimlich gstunke hät wägem Salzsee. Mir händ Antilope und Büffel und dän sind mir uf Park City gfahre und händ deht übernachtet. In Park City hät eus vorallem s'Training Zentrum gfalle, wo di Junge neui Tricks güebt händ. Später sind mir entlang am Bear Lake gfahre richtig Jackson, WY.
Meh Föteli findet ihr hie.
Mormon Church in Salt Lake City
Mormone Chile in Salt Lake City
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