Towns in MT & Glacier NP, MT

june 18-22, 2014

Finally we get to show you more pictures from our summer trip in 2014. We are sorry that it took so long (computer problems was one of the reasons).

After Yellowstone National Park we drove through Butte, Helena, the Swan Lake Valley up to Kalispell. On the way we slept in the National Forest and on Walmart parking lot, had crazy rainy weather, had a longer stop than we planned due to some mechanical stuff and enjoyed watching the Swiss team in FIFA World Cup. Our last stop in the USA was the Glacier National Park where we spent two nights at the Bowman Lake Campground. We did a little hike on a trail that was mainly covered by water and just enjoyed how quiet and peaceful that part of the National Park is. One of the main attractions called Going-To-The-Sun-Road was still closed due to lots of snow that was still covering the road. For us this meant to take the road that led around the whole National Park. But nevertheless we were blessed with incredible views and weather.

For photos click here.


Endlich schaffed mirs eu wider meh Föteli vo eusem Summer Trip im 2014 z'zeigä. Äs tuet eus leid, dass äs so lang gange isch (Computer Problem isch unteranderem einä vodä Gründ).

Nachem Yellowstone Nationalpark sind mir via Butte, Helena, äm Swan Lake Valley uf Kalispell gfahre. Underwägs händ mir im Wald und ufem Walmart Parkplatz gschlafe, mega Räge gha, än länger als plaante mechanische Stop gha und gluegät wiä sich d'Schwiizer Nati hät adä WM 2014. Euse letsti Stop idä USA isch dä Glacier Nationalpark gsi, wo mir zwei Nächt im Bowman Lake Campground verbracht händ. Mir händ ä chliini, churzi Wanderig gmacht ufemä Wäg wo hauptsächlich underwasser gsi isch und händs gnossä wiä ruhig und fridlich dä Teil vom Nationalpark gsi isch. Eini vodä Hauptattraktione namens Going-To-The-Sun-Road isch zue gsi will dä Schnee d'Strass blockiert hät. Für eus hät das gheissä um dä ganzi Nationalpark z'fahre. Trotzallem sind mir mega gsägnet gsi mit unglaubliche Ussichte und Wätter.

Für d'Föteli klick hie.

Bowman Lake in the early morning.

Bowman See am Morgäfrüeh.

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