First Impressions of British Columbia, Canada

June 25-26+30, 2014

After leaving Jasper National Park we spent the night in Mount Robson Provincial Park. The following morning we left early because we wanted to see some wildlife. And we didn't get disappointed - within 20 mins we saw a total of four black bears grazing right next to the Yellowhead Highway 16.

A day later we arrived at the farm where we would work for two months. The farm is located in the Beaver Valley, Cariboo Region right beside a chain of lakes surrounded by forest as far as you can see. Our volunteer work included a huge organic garden (mainly Marlyn's work) and the newly built addition that was bigger than their original house (Maett's job). And our hosts were Jill & Sam with their little boys Tarn & Kell. Our first weekend we worked a lot but also got to canoe to their camping spot where they had a family camping. The camping spot was located three lakes down from our home, by a lake called Joan Lake - this family owns a large amount of property. The other lake is called Chambers Lake and this is where the grandparents lived in beautiful house. And this is how another two interesting months started.

For some more impressions click on First Impressions of British Columbia.


Nachem Jasper Nationalpark händ mir d'Nacht im Mount Robson Provincial Park verbracht. Am nöchste Morgä sind mir früeh los, will mir händ wellä chli Wildtier gseh. Mir sind belohnt wordä - innerhalb vo 20 min händ mir insgesamt vier Schwarzbäre gseh direkt näbet dä Strass (Yellowhead Highway 16) grase.

Än Tag spöter sind mir bidä Farm aacho wo mir für zwei Mönet sind go schaffe. D'Farm isch im Beaver Valley, ide Cariboo Region direkt näbeterä Seeä-Chetti umrahmet vo Wälder sowiit das mä cha gseh, gsi. Euses Volunteer schaffä hät än riisigä bio Garte (vorallem dä Marlyn' ihri Arbet) und än Aabau, wo grösser gsi isch als s'orginale Huus (Maett sin Job), beinhaltet. Eusi Gastgeber sind d'Jill & Sam mit ihrnä zwei chliine Jungs Tarn & Kell gsi. Z'erschtä Weekend händ mir scho vil gschaffet, sind aber au na ufen churze Kanutrip zu ihrem Camping-Ort, wo sie äs Familiä-Camping gha händ, gangä. Dä Camping-Ort isch drüü Seeä wiitergsi vo eusem dihei, bimenä See namens Joan Lake - diä Familiä bsitzt grossi Ländereiä. Dä anderi See hät Chambers Lake gheisse und deht händ d'Grosselterä imenä schöne Hüüsli gwohnt. Und so händ zwei intressanti Mönet gstartet.

Für wiiteri Impressione druck uf First Impressions of British Columbia.

Joan Lake - Cariboo - BC

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