July in the Cariboo, BC, Canada

july 6+12+15-17, 2014

An hour east from Williams Lake, in the Beaver Valley, situated between the rolling hills of endless forest and countless lakes - that's where we worked as volunteers on a local organic farm for two months. The first month we worked a lot in the huge garden. This family's goal is to produce 80% of their own food. All the vegetables they get from their own garden and the meat they get from the grandparents, who live 5 miles (or how we would say: a lake further downstream) down the road. It is hard work to keep a garden this size maintained. To find out where we exactly lived, click on -> Jacobson Rd, Cariboo, BC.

But we also had fun exploring the Cariboo region we lived in. Whenever we wanted we could go horse riding, canoeing or do a little camping trip. In the photos you are going to see the guest house where we stayed in as well as our view, the Arts on the Fly Festival in Horsefly, a little glimps of the garden and our date-trip to Quesnel Lake. We enjoyed Quesnel Lake a lot - it was just amazing how quiet and peaceful the world can be. And on time Marlyn woke up in the morning - and because we had a screen tent, so no cover - we saw a baby moose drinking water from the lake, only 20 yards from where we slept! We don't have a photo of that but nevertheless it was one of the most amazing experiences so far.

For more photos click on -> July in the Cariboo, BC.


Ä Stund östlich vo Williams Lake, im Beaver Valley, zwüschet Hügellandschafte mit endlosä Wälder und unzählbare Seeä - deht händ mir für zwei Mönet als Volunteers uferä Bio Farm gschaffet. Dä ersti Monet händ mir beidi vil im riisigä Garte gschaffet. Derä Family ihres Ziel isch 80% vo ihrem eigetä Ässe z'produzierä. Alles Gmües chunnt vo ihrem eigetä Garte und s'Fleisch beziehnds vo dä Grosselterä, wo 7 km (oder wiä mirs würed säge: ein See wiiter une) wiiter a derä Strass wohned. Äs isch vil Arbet gsi zum dä Garte uf vordermann z'bhalte. Zum usefindä wo mir genau gwohnt händ, klick uf -> Jacobson Rd, Cariboo, BC

Aber mir händ natürli au Spass gha d'Cariboo Region, wo mir gwohnt händ, uszkundschafte. Wän immer mir händ wellä, händ mir chöne go riite, Kanu fahre oder än chline Camping Trip mache. Idä Föteli wärdet ihr s'Gästehüüsli wo mir drinn gwohnt händ sowiä d'Ussicht, s'Arts on the Fly Festival in Horsefly, än chliine Iiblick in Garte und euse Rendezvous-Trip an Quesnel Lake gseh. Mir händ dä Quesnel Lake mega gnossä - eifach genial wiä ruhig und fridlich d'Wält cha sii. Und eimal am Morgä isch d'Marlyn isch verwachet am Morgä - und will mir nur äs Mosquito Zält gha händ und kei Abdeckig - händ mir än Baby Elch gseh am See trinke, nume 20 Meter vo eusem Zält! Mir händ kei Föteli vo däm, aber äs isch glich eis vodä beschtä Erlebnis gsi bis jez.

Für meh Föteli klicket doch uf -> July in the Cariboo, BC.

Camping at Quesnel Lake, BC

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