august 3-4+8-9+12+15-17+20-24, 2014
Camping Trips to Quesnel Lake and around in the Cariboo Region - exploring on a horse back and in the canoe - dawn and dusk sessions - wild berry hunt to make jam - moose, black bear, beaver, otters, weasel and other wildlife. That is a big bonus of living so remote and that is exactly what we did in our free time. Nevertheless we worked a lot but of course, fun did not fall short. Especially once Adeline from France arrived, it was even more fun. To see some more photos click on the button below.
Camping Trips zum Quesnel Lake und ide Cariboo Region - d'Gegend erkunde ufem Ross Ruggä oder im Kanu - Morgä- und
Abigdämmerig Sessions - Wildi Waldbeeri gsammlet zum Konfi mache - Elche, Schwarzbäre, Biber, Otter, Wiesel und anderi Wildtier. Das isch än grossä Bonus abgschide z'läbe und das isch genau das
gsi wo mir i eusere Freiziit gmacht händ. Trotzdäm händ mir natürli au vil gschaffet, aber dä Spass dörf niä z'churz cho. Vorallem hät sich dä na gsteigeret wo d'Adeline vo Frankriich cho isch.
Für meh Föteli z'gseh klick uf dä Button unedra.
early morning mist
Morgä Nebel
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