Seattle, WA

september 12, 2014

After spending two hours at the border Canada/USA we made it back to the States. Our first (quick) stop was in Seattle, Washington - birthing place of Starbucks. We had a lot of fun exploring this city and getting a fresh (much needed) haircut.


Nachdäm mir zwei Stund adä Grenzä Kanada/USA händ mirs wider zrugg gschafft id Staate. Eusä ersti (churzi) Halt händ mir i Seattle, Washington gmacht - dä Geburtsstätte vo Starbucks. Mir händ s'lustig gha bim entdeckä vo derä kuulä Stadt und au än neue Haarschnitt verpasst becho, wo mir definitiv bruucht händ.

Seattle with Mount Rainier

Seattle mitem Mount Rainier

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    Alfonso Timpano (Mittwoch, 20 Mai 2015 16:17)

    seattle is a great city to spend time in, you were lucky to see the sun and have such a clear day. I hope that haircut was for Matt...,