MLSSM Retreat in San Elijo, CA

October 6-9, 2014

Back in Mammoth Lakes, in the beginning of October, our school started again. One of the first things we did in our second school year was a retreat to San Elijo State Beach. We enjoyed the quality time and getting to know each other, as well as surfing and having fun. This was an awesome start for an amazing second school year - if you want to know more about our experiences and the school ask us or visit the website of Mammoth Lighthouse School of Supernatural Ministry It was a life-changing, incredible, full of the Holy Spirit season and we recommend it to anyone who wants more of God in their lives!


Zrugg in Mammoth Lakes, aafangs Oktober, hät eusi Schuel wider aagfange. Öpis vom erstä wo mir gmacht händ i eusem zweitä Schueljahr, isch än Usflug an San Elijo Strand. Mir händ deht Zyt gha zum eus besser kännelärne, aber au zum surfä und Spass ha. Das isch än super Start gsi für äs genials zweits Schueljahr - wän du meh wotsch wüsse über eusi Erläbnis und d'Schuel, frög eus eifach oder gang uf d'Internetsiite vo Mammoth Lighthouse School of Supernatural Ministry Äs isch ä läbensveränderndi, unglaublichi, voll vom Heiligä Geist erfüllti Zyt gsi und mir empfehlets jedem wo meh vo Gott wott i ihrem Läbe!

Newest Trend: Surf-Diving

Neusti Trend: Surf-Tauchä

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