December 2014 in Mammoth Lakes, CA

december 2+4+12+13+16+24+31, 2014 - january 1, 2015

December was a beautiful month in Mammoth Lakes. We got some snow and lots of snowy and scenic pictures. Next to playing in the snow, we had fun at Coffee&Wax-Parties, knitting and listening to the beautiful music of our friend Sara. Also we had a great Christmas time with good friends, great food and our beautiful Christmas tree. To celebrate the beginning of 2015 we went to Reno to our dear friends Kub & Katie, Rachel & Jonathan. Lots of fun, painting nails and celebrating in the hot pool with a great view over Reno and the fire works.


Dezember isch än wunderschöne Monet in Mammoth Lakes gsi. Mir händ chli Schnee becho und vil schneeriichi und Landschaftsbilder gmacht. Näbetem spilä im Schnee händ mir d'Coffee&Wax-Parties gnossä, Spass gha bim lismä und Musig losä vo euserä Fründin Sara. Au d'Wiehnachtszyt isch super gsi mit guetä Fründä, feinem Ässe und eusem schöne Wiehnachtsbaum. Für Neujahr simmer zu eusnä liäbe Fründä Kub & Katie, Rachel & Jonathan uf Reno. Lustig händ mirs gha, Nägel lackiert und idä Hot Pools ufs Neue Jahr 2015 aagstossä miterä super Ussicht über Reno und dä Füürwärch.

